Hey Lou Writes

The Grey Matters


It’s as Simple as a Smile

Eight days in and feelin’ no pain! Blog everyday in May challenge, yes.

Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all

advice, smile, writing


This is how I feel about giving advice. I don’t feel like I am good at it and I can be awkward as h.e.l.l. when I’m unsure of what to say (if you are, say, crying?) I guess I’ve been giving advice lately on health and eating and following your dreams, but that’s different than sitting down and laying down some advice for someone who has a specific problem. I’m just not very good at that.

Some people have great advice about motivating yourself (like when you are a beginner runner….)

Others have lots to say about other people or situations. How to deal with x situation by saying y.

I’m not going to offer that today. My only advice, which seems to be the number one thing, above all others….

Is to wake up every day with a smile.

That’s it. It will feel cheesy at first. You will wonder who you are trying to fool. Yourself? Your friends and family? If you wake up and think, “Okay, now I’m going to smile,” and you DO IT, your day will get off to a great start. Eventually, it won’t be fake at all. There is a lot to smile about.

Like these little chickens!!!

chickens, coops, writing

What I woke up to. I know. So cute.

So that’s it, ok? People have asked me how I seem so happy all the time, and this is one of the tactics I use. I smile a lot. I try to. Some days it’s hard and I don’t want to, but hey, habits form who you are. Get in the habit of smiling :)

advice, smiling, melinda

an oldie but a goodie… always smiling :)

Love Lou