Hey Lou Writes

The Grey Matters


If You’re Going To Be A Writer…

…you should probably consider marrying someone who is slightly obsessed with coffee. Not just making coffee or drinking it, but knowing the beans, learning how to roast, and brewing it in at least 5 different ways.

coffee, writing, marriage, roasting

there’s ray

Or, marriage aside, learn to do all this yourself. You just can’t go back to drip or those weird little cups after experiencing the real thing.

Because like me, you might know that having a cup of coffee or tea is just about the nicest way to start a day off. Why is this? I think it’s because it’s warm and cozy (even in the summer), tastes great, and is equally nice to enjoy alone or with someone.

I love drinking coffee on my own. I love drinking it with Greg even more. (And that’s only partly because I usually mess up the measurements somehow.)

This morning my dear hubs roasted his own green beans for the first time. And it worked like a charm.

coffee, roasting, marriage, writing

the green beans

roasting coffee, marriage, writing

roaster and beans afterwards

coffee, roasting, marriage, writing


After a morning like this, a writer should surely be able to bust out at least one poem.

And if that’s not enough… grow some flowers. And get a chicken that is cuter than pie.

coffee, flowers, roasting, chickens, marriage, writing

lovely! When I drink my coffee, I look at these.

chicken, coffee, roasting, marriage, writing

Harvey’s cute butt

Happy Tuesday everyone. Try to step out of your coffee comfort zone and brew in a new way today!

Love, Lou


It Was Life

{I found this in an old notebook from college. I wrote it on 12/07/10 during an astronomy class! I hope you enjoy it :) }

short stories, new writer, coffee

It Was Life

By Melinda Williams

I am either

taken to a cafe in Europe

looking great- all women there do

smoking, taking a sip, smoking

my lipstick stain on both

the cigarette and the cup

The conversation is enlightened


I have a subtle

I don’t give a f—


Men pass by

One wants to buy me my next

This is the true potential

This is where

one can go


I am stepping inside a gas station

I can smell the bathroom

which is right next to

where I fill up my mug


The smell is cheap

Cheap- unlike the

massive amounts of oil outside

The two, dark liquids

our country runs on

Back in Europe

it wasn’t fuel

It was life