Hey Lou Writes

The Grey Matters

The Buzz


I did it. I buzzed my head.

buzz cut, women who shave their heads, short hair

The Buzz

Here are some FACTS:

1. I did not have a nervous breakdown.

2. I did it myself at home in the bathroom.

3. I always wanted to, so I did.

4. Time to maybe grow it back to my regular pixie cut.

5. I’m so glad I did this.

Here are some of my thoughts on hair……..

buzz cut, short hair, women shaving head

side view!

and here’s what it looks like! There might not be much photo documentation of this hair, and this is already a week old!!!

Another fact….. hair grows back. :)

the other side, yo

the other side, yo

Love, Lou with the very short hair who might look slightly like a person who has been electrocuted as it grows back.

Author: Melinda Haas

Melinda is a writer, blogger, artist and teacher. She lives in Wisconsin with her family.

10 thoughts on “The Buzz

  1. You are so BRAVE. And I don’t think it is possible for you not to look stunning.

  2. Ditto what Jenny said! This really does look fabulous. I just straight up do not have the face shape for a buzz cut.

  3. My husband loved the haircut. He even offered to cut mine for me. I’m really thinking about it.

  4. My hubby loved the cut. He even offered to cut it for me. So how did you do it…just in case I get the guts. Id probably wait until summer though.

    • Oh man!! That’s awesome that he is in on this. I think men really like the short hair! I just put it on setting 4 on the clippers and went for it!!! My only mistake was wearing a really clingy sweater and being itchy for the rest of the day. Just put a towel around your shoulders! ha Summer would be the perfect time :)

  5. You are so very beautiful Melinda! It was great to see you yesterday (if only for a moment).

  6. Pingback: Dobby and the Sock I Didn’t Have | Hey Lou Writes

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