Hey Lou Writes

The Grey Matters

My Lot In Life


Blog Every Day In May Challenge

Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your “lot in life” and how you’re working to overcome it

Um, not to sound boastful, but I’m feeling a little bit too lucky when it comes to my “lot in life.”

This is not a blog set up for a whole lot of complaining. 

I have so much (too much?) to be thankful for. Every once in a while I wonder when everything will come crashing down because, jeez, can life really stay this good? And it’s not because Greg and I are making tons of money and buying fancy things. It’s because I’m really learning to love what I am already blessed with.

Here’s a list that may not sound like much to some, but it sounds like a great life to me:

I have….

A sturdy, comfortable house to keep me warm at night. 

A sweet husband who takes care of me in his own way. 

A laptop, and a piece of paper, so I can write.

A bookshelf filled with stories

job with nice coworkers and flexibility.

Little baby chicks

A beautiful and loving family

A body that is able to work outside and go on walks.

A mind to think about fictional stories all day long. 

writing, fiction, lot in life, blessed

see what I mean? Too lucky

Must I go on? 

There was a time when I thought I wanted a lot more. The high school me, who is long gone, wanted to marry rich and drive a super expensive car (I won’t even tell you what type… it’s too embarrassing) and not have to work a day in my life. 

So many things have happened in the last six years to change the core of who I am and what I yearn for. Now, all I want is another warm morning where I can sit outside and the hopes of seeing a new type of bird in my backyard. (Yes, Greg and I are amateur bird watchers.)

Today I’m choosing to be grateful instead of wanting. I am choosing to be content rather than unsettled. I am choosing to go after my dreams rather than a run of the mill life. 

What’s your lot in life? 

Love, Lou 

Author: Melinda Haas

Melinda is a writer, blogger, artist and teacher. She lives in Wisconsin with her family.

3 thoughts on “My Lot In Life

  1. My lot in life is the same…there is not a day that goes by without my thinking and giving thanks for something that pops into my head from out of the blue. Like…right now! I’m giving thanks that I can read…and reading what you write is inspirational. Thank you!

  2. I didn’t write about my lot in life. It happened for a few reasons, one being that I didn’t have time and another being that I had too many thoughts to focus it into a coherent blog post. But I think ultimately, I would have said the same. I have so much more than I need, and being truly content is something I’m actively working on right now. I’m optimistic that I’m making progress :)

Tell Lou What YOU Think!